Retrieval Driver Job in Australia
Retrieval Driver Job in Australia job details. Are You also looking for a job or someone of your family or friend circle needs a job then Retrieval Driver Job in Australia is for you .
We have brought a good news for all of you because Retrieval Driver Job in Australia for few Vacancies in so we request you to read this article .Read till the end and share this article to everyone who are need of a job in Australia.
You can Find other details for Retrieval Driver Patient Transport Officer. Other details are given here for Retrieval Driver Job in Australia. Read all information and apply for Retrieval Driver Patient Transport Officer.
- $30.81 Per Hour + 11% Super + Salary Packaging
Job Type
- Permanent Full Time
- Not Mention
- Hunter New England Health
Working Time
- Monday : 9am to 1pm
- Friday : 7am to 3pm
Position Title
- Driver
Working Location
- Australia
- Hunter Valley NSW
About role
John Hunter medical institution is looking for a devoted affected person delivery Officer (PTO) to provide safe, timely, and effective delivery for Hunter Retrieval carrier staff and patients requiring inter-facility delivery and make sure that appropriate standards of care are provided. while not required for retrieval responsibilities, the a hit applicant is required to work as a multi-skilled member of the toilet Hunter health center to provide non-clinical assist inside the critical Care regions of the campus to supplement the delivery of safe, effective, and exceptional patient care.
- undertake guide managing together with pushing stretcher and leading stretcher into inter-facility vehicle
- Adhere to all RTA street guidelines
- Keep automobiles in a roadworthy situation according with the HNELHD Motor vehicle coverage
- control stock degrees
- Couriering items to/from departments within the John Hunter health center
- ADO’s each month (for full-time personnel)
- four weeks annual depart (seasoned-rata for element-time employees)
- income packaging options
- health Passport
- worker assistance program (EAP) for staff and family contributors
- opportunity to paintings and collaborate with various non-clinical and medical experts
- you’re an enthusiastic individual with super communication and time management talents
- You maintain a cutting-edge and unencumbered driving force’s license and a first useful resource certificate
How to Apply
- You can Apply Online for Retrieval Driver Job in Australia.
Apply methods
- Link is given below Retrieval Driver Job in Australia.
- You cab Apply Online
- Fill Form details
- Submit your application for Retrieval Driver Job in Australia.
The Hunter Retrieval carrier (HRS), critical care doctors, and nurses had been delivering inter-hospital retrieval services to our location for extra than 25 years.
primarily based at John Hunter hospital, the HRS provides 24-hour/7 day week crucial care recommendation, hospital therapy, and delivery for seriously sick and injured sufferers located inside Hunter New England, Mid-North Coast, and past.
patients are transported by way of avenue, helicopter, and/or fixed-wing plane.
The inter-clinic retrieval group is made from a Senior in depth Care Nurse and a consultant or Senior Trainee from Emergency, Anaesthetics, or in depth Care
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