IDFC First Bank Saving Account : You also must be residing in any of the cities, that we are present in. These are the cities where IDFC FIRST Bank currently has branches, and we will not be able to open your account if you do not reside in these cities. If you are already a customer of IDFC FIRST bank, you can continue to transact on your existing account without opening a new account.
Important Document
Your Aadhaar number
The mobile number linked to your Aadhaar number
Permanent Account Number (PAN)
Enter your Aadhaar number and PAN when prompted in our online application page. The UIDAI will sent an OTP to your registered mobile, which you must enter on the online application form. You will also need to fill in a few more personal details, and we will open an account for you.
Fill all details about Identity and address.upload document.
The applicant will then should fill inside the utility form. observe, all fields can be required to be stuffed in to avoid rejection of the application. If one faces troubles filling in the shape, he/she will be able to contact any executive of bank of Baroda for assistance. The customer can down load the account establishing shape from the bank’s homepage.
As soon as the above mentioned documents are geared up and the form stuffed, the man or woman may be required submit the shape and the KYC files on the financial institution of Baroda department of choice. The bank executive will now verify the files and ensure that the call, date of birth, address, signature, and so on, within the KYC documents and what’s cited in the utility form in shape.
Once the verification process is over, the account holder will now ought to make an initial deposit – depending on the minimal balance requirement of the financial savings account he/she has selected. The client can make the initial deposit at the coins deposit counter of the financial institution. No deposit could be required for zero-balance financial savings accounts.
Once the deposit has been made, the government will hand you a debit card and the applicable financial institution files with regard to the financial savings account.