BMI Calculator details.Today we will tell how much our weight should be according to age. How much weight should a man and a woman have according to their age? As we will tell you today, if we do not have weight, we have to face serious illness in the future. So let’s know how much our body weight should be according to our age.
What should be your weight according to your age? Everyone needs healthy food to stay healthy. It is very important for everyone to know their body weight. Due to low or high body weight, many problems are caused to our health.
BMI Calculator age calculator That’s why it is very important for our health to keep our body weight balanced according to age. That regularity keeps us away from many diseases. So today we will tell you how much body weight a boy and a girl should have according to their age.
A 1-year-old boy should weigh less than 10.2kg and a girl should weigh less than 9.5kg. At the age of two, a boy should weigh 12.3kg and a girl should weigh below 11.8kg. Now let’s know the weight of 3 to 5 year old children. In this age boy and girl weight should be between 14 kg to 16 kg. A five-year-old boy should weigh 18.7 kg and a girl should weigh 17.7 kg.
Steps for BMI Calculator
If you want to calculate body mass index, you can get information about your height and weight with the help of an online calculator.
Apart from this, you can use the following general formula to know the body mass index.
Weight for age
Newborn baby weight
Boy’s weight- 3.3 kg
Girl’s weight- 3.3 kg
2 to 5 month baby weight
Boy’s weight- 6 kg weight
Girl’s weight- 5.4 kg
6 to 8 month baby weight
Boy’s weight- 7.2 kg
Girl’s weight- 6.5 kg
9 months to 1 year weight
Boy’s weight- 10 kg
Girl’s weight- 9.5 kg
2 to 5 years old weight
Boy’s weight- 12.5 kg
Girl’s weight- 11.08 kg
6 to 8 years old weight
Boy’s weight- 12 to 18 kg
Girl’s weight- 14 to 17 kg
9 to 11 years old weight
Boy’s weight- 28 to 31 kg
Girl’s weight- 28 to 31 kg
If the weight is less or more than this, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Weight and height should be as per your age. If you do not have weight according to your height by comparing it with your age and height, you should try to gain or lose weight by using BMI Calculator.Maintain your body for your future.If your body’s height and weight is as per rules then you can get Gov. jobs.